Thursday 17 November 2011

Greenlight or Greenwash part 2

I had two rooms to emulsion today. So I went for the 2.5" AS Eco-Ezee. My initial opinion of the brush when tried at the National Painting and Decorating show was positive, but how did it perform in the real world?
In a word - badly!
1. The bristles are too soft resulting in a floppy/wobbly feeling when applying. This 'give' slowed down cutting in as the connection between the hand and paint on the wall was less than affirmative, undermining confidence that the paint will go where you want it.
2. The angle of the bristles is too slight - in pointless a no man's land between a straight and angled brush.
To conclude the brush can be firmed up but cutting in reverse ie. having the point as the leading instead of trailing edge.
The brush does wash out well, but only because you wont put much paint on it before switching to something better.
Eco-Ezee 2.5" AS = Greenwash.

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