Monday 9 January 2012

Gilding, silver leaf.

The customer want to give this gilded gold mirror frame a facelift. Firstly the mirror is removed and the frame is gently cleaned.
Size is applied to the frame and allowed to come to tack ready to receive the genuine silver leaf.
The leaf is applied using a badger hair gilders tip. Once sufficiently dried the loose bits of silver, the skewings,  are brushed off. Then the frame is faulted. Any missed areas known as holidays are gilded. 
If left to it's own devices the silver will tarnish so it needs to be sealed. In this instance a shellac varnish was applied, imparting a warmer tone.

The mirror is refitted in the frame and hung. Longer screws than normal  were required to get through the lath and plaster and into the brickwork on the old chimney breast.

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